

youtube...metube....wetube....whosetube.....I just saw these tubes in some construction store and then thought these look like bubbles !


A Dog Shit Alley

Taken at Soi Khee Mah. ( A Dog Shit Alley)... A very narrow alley which I walk through for buying my food. When I'm walking through this alley, it seem like I'm falling into another world. Calm, motionlessness and if I look up in the sky, then I'll see the sky in a different way.


Before Darkness Falls by iPhone

When I use "more lomo" an application for iPhone, it seem to be a random pic and random color. Coz I dont know what color will show themselve off . These pics always made me wonder about their awesome colors !!!

The Day After Tomorrow by iPhone

I just imagined if UFO attack our earth, what will happen to us ?


The Secret of Sunlight


What is the feeling that sunlight bring to you?